hey everybody,its been three months down the road,time passes really fast,well i bet some of your are looking forward for my post,well here it is,...
last two weeks ago we had our school HIHS musical.well it was a sucess indeed,the choir was having a great time while performing on the stage,it was fun when we did all the dancing and stuffs.still remember the reh days was the most fun,we took photos and started to sing our past choir songs.on the musical day,when everyone was putting make up,the backstage crew came and they wanted make up,so the choir girls help them to applied make up,and among all.samuel was the most gay,all his face was pinkish and he had lots of foundation on his face.so that the musical update.
last friday,mrs tay announced the position of our choir the exco leaders,
libarian-ting ying,chelyn
treasurer-suet yee
,congrats to fion for being the chairman of choir and congrats for ting ying and chelyn for entering in the exco team and having the post of libarian
now the sectional leader:
sop:ting ying,chelyn,huixin
alto:fion,si ying,tai yang
congrats to si ying and taiyang for being in the sectional leader of alto
ok,that all i am going to say,cos i really have no time to blog,next blog 5 months down the road.